lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Modulo 7, Tell my

      1.            Question: 

Did your family celebrate this day, for a long time?


Yes, we did. For many years we put a dead altar.
      2.            Question:

             How many platters are prepared for the offering?


             We prepared five dishes that our deceased loved. Like mole, rice, hot chocolate,      bread, etc.
      3.            Question:

            What flowers lead to the cemetery and how many?


           We carry many cempazuchitl flowers.

      4.            Question: 

           Does a family member like to wear catrina or catrin?


          No we didn’t.  Some time ago we disguised ourselves as catrinas.

      5.            Question:

           How many people do you care about that day?


           Many people the whole family.

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Proyecto integrado, Modulo 7

modulo 7 My life proyect integrative activity Student...